In 2030, technology continues to get smaller and access to wireless signals is present in most places the average person finds themselves on any given day, whether that be at work, home or school, the above ground or below ground, in the city or out in the country, on the move or standing still. The options for integrating technology into just about everything continue unabated (such as fashion). This has made life much easier and more enjoyable for most people in general but especially for people with disabilities.
Wearable technology will help people with visually and hearing impairments “see”, “hear” and otherwise perceive their environments in a way that greatly reduces the impact of these challenges on their daily lives.  It is also likely that wearable technology will bring with it some new challenges because of the way it can impact the human body. Head gear, even of the fairly lightweight variety, can slowly strain the neck over time.  Similarly, technology worn on the back can cause subtle changes in posture from our unconscious tendency to lean forward to compensate for any weight placed on our backs.  Also, the various forms of wave radiation associated with using wearable technology may also have subtle impacts on our body chemistry over time that will require rebalancing through dietary supplements and other forms of therapeutic intervention.

The Wearable Technology Therapist will do work similar to what physiotherapists and nutritionists do today but with highly specialized training in the effects of wearable technology on the human body and how to compensate for those effects. Veterinary sub-specialities may also be exist for therapists who work with service animals (such as canine detectives and therapy or companion animals for people with special needs) who wear technology during the performance of their duties.
Job opportunities will also exist for Wearable Technology Therapy Assistants who will assist by talking to patients and preparing them for their consultation with the Wearable Technology Therapist, working through exercises with patients, monitoring the patients’ general wellness indicators and use of supplements, and keep records of patients’ progress 

Job Requirements/Skills

Accredited Wearable Technology Therapists will require a masters level education and a passing grade on a certification exam before being allowed to enter professional practice.  Wearable Technology Therapy Assistants will complete a diploma before undertaking a certification exam.