Certain long-standing industries such as mining and natural gas will experience significant changes by 2030, as these resources start to run out. This means that natural resource extraction might change in form. Mining might shift and we may begin ‘mine’ our landfills (the sites where we store waste), in order to reclaim as many resources as possible from what we’ve thrown away—duties of a mining resource specialist.

Places where we have dug for petroleum or natural gas will require substantial rehabilitation, in order to return the land and affected waterways back to a state where animals, vegetation, and even human settlement can return. Miners might also move into these cleanup roles. While they may not seem like glamorous jobs, these are roles that will suit someone who has a desire to connect with their natural surroundings, and see immediate impacts of their work on the environment.

This work will likely involve the participation and contribution of numerous First Nations communities across Canada. Mining resource specialists will need to have open minds in order to learn about land care and the impact of human activity on the environment. They will also need to be able to bridge the needs of the community and understand the historical impact of primary resource extraction on the people who live in the area.

Job Requirements / Skills

Specialists will be rugged people eager to spend a significant amount of time outdoors. Entrepreneurial specialists will be able to exploit overlooked “waste” sites and turn them into profitable business—they’ll be the junkyard barons of 2030. Those who work in sites that require cleanup will likely have education in environmental sciences, and resource or wildlife management. They will be independent thinkers with a love for the land, able to see the ecosystem as a whole, and understand how to bring communities together for environmental renewal.